Lav Diaz : Faire face

This collective work, co-edited by Corinne Maury (University of Toulouse) and Olivier Zuchuat (Department of Cinema, HEAD-Geneva) extends the Lav Diaz colloquium organized in 2019 at the HEAD-Geneva. This 350-page book, rich in images, is the first … → Read more

Editing Arts - Montage en Mouvement

As a follow-up to the publication of the book Montage. Une anthologie (1913-2018) co-edited by HEAD - Geneva and MAMCO in 2018 (currently being republished), the Cinema Department is organizing an international online colloquium around montage in … → Read more

Faire face : Colloque international Lav Diaz

Lav Diaz’s cinematic work is deeply ingrained in Filipino culture. It is infused with the political vicissitudes that the country suffers and is moulded by the consequences of the natural disasters that lay waste to the archipelago. His unusually … → Read more

Montage. Une Anthologie (1913-2018)

The result of three years of work, this anthology follows Jeux sérieux. Cinéma et art contemporains transforment l’essai , published in 2015, also in collaboration with Mamco. This work testifies to the Cinema Department’s renewed commitment … → Read more

Colloque Montage : Forme de faire, manière de penser

The Cinema Department of HEAD - Geneva in collaboration with the Department of Modern French and the Centre interfacultaire en Sciences affectives (CISA) of the University of Geneva is pleased to propose, on Friday, November 20 and Saturday, … → Read more

Jeux sérieux : cinéma et art contemporains transforment l’essai

This book is the culmination of five years of research on the essay as a form, at the crossroads of contemporary cinema and art, and follows the *Start making Sense! → Read more