Master Film Studies

Soeurs Jarariju by Jorge Cadena (2018)

Developing a personal cinematographic vision, understanding the filmmaking process and apprehending the stakes of production so as to pave the way for graduates to smoothly join professional circles – such are the main objectives of this programme. This Master course, which is unique in Europe, is aimed at the holders of a Bachelor’s degree, or with equivalent experience, wishing to further their knowledge in one of the following fields: direction scriptwriting, editing, sound or production.

Through courses and workshops provided by renowned lecturers in each field, the students develop a personal project throughout the curriculum. For their master project, they are involved in the production (direction scriptwriting, editing, sound or production) of a short, medium or feature length film (fiction, documentary, TV series, art-house, transmedia…). Several films gain international visibility through renowned festivals or/and TV broadcasting.

This Master programme relies on a partnership between ECAL and HEAD/Geneva University of Art and Design and on collaborations with Lausanne University (UNIL), Zurich University (UZH), Zurich University of the Arts (ZHDK), the Swiss National Film Archive in Lausanne, Swiss National Broadcasting RTS, and la Manufacture (school of performing arts) in Lausanne, University of Music Lausanne and Swiss Literature Institute in Bienne.


  • Anita Hugi (HEAD – Genève)
  • Paolo Moretti (ECAL – Lausanne)
Artistic Associate
  • Jasmin Basic (ECAL – Lausanne)
  • Yasmine Bahechar (HEAD – Genève)
  • Anouck Chambaz (ECAL – Lausanne)
Production and diffusion
  • Jean-Guillaume Sonnier (ECAL – Lausanne)


Elsa Amiel, Claire Atherton, Lionel Baier, Stéphane Batut, Joëlle Bertossa, Yaël Bitton, Jean-Stéphane Bron, Anne Brouillet, Claire Burger, Abdel Raouf Dafri, Thierry de Peretti, Philippe Faucon, Emmanuel Finkiel, Delphine Gleize, Alain Gomis, Yann Gonzalez, Joana Hadjithomas & Khalil Joreige, Mahamat Saleh Haroun, Mikhaël Hers, Mike Hoolboom, Carlos Ibañez-Diaz, Kaya Inan, Antoine Jaccoud, Denis Jutzeler, Anurag Kashyap, Alanté Kavaïté, Gion Reto Killias, Stéphane Kuthy, Julien Lacheray, Nadine Lamari, Rachel Lang, Danielle Lessovitz, Sébastien Lifshitz, Noémie Lvovsky, Vincent Macaigne, Ursula Meier, Peter Mettler, Alejo Moguillansky, Valérie Mréjen, François Musy, Elene Naveriani, Jeanne Oberson, Verena Paravel, Jean-Gabriel Périot, Vasco Pimentel, Pedro Pinho, Katell Quillévéré, Joao Pedro Rodrigues, Antoine Russbach, Emmanuel Salinger, Stefano Savona, Eyal Sivan, Michel Spinosa, Marianne Tardieu, Virgil Vernier, Nathalie Vidal, Teresa Villaverde, Alice Winocour, Katharina Wyss, Jacqueline Zünd


Joel Coen, Abel Ferrara, Amos Gitaï, Jean-Luc Godard, Marthe Keller, Tatiana Huezo, Agnès Jaoui, Ruben Östlund, Charlotte Rampling, Céline Sciamma, Béla Tarr, Gus Van Sant, Frederick Wiseman, Andreï Zviaguintsev