Retour à Reims (Fragments) by Jean-Gabriel Périot at GIFF

Retour à Reims (Fragments) de Jean-Gabriel Périot

HEAD - Geneva joins the 27th edition of GIFF for the screening of the film Retour à Reims (Fragments) by Jean-Gabriel Périot (with Adèle Haenel). On the occasion of the Swiss premiere of the French director’s documentary, students from the HEAD - Geneva’s Cinema Department will have the opportunity to meet the French director during a workshop.

Retour à Reims (Fragments) by Jean-Gabriel Périot with Adèle Haenel

Narrated by Adèle Haenel and freely inspired by Didier Eribon’s autobiographical novel, Retour à Reims crosses archives and questions of representation to question the present. A social and political history of the working class in the 20th century.

In a powerful knitting of documentary and fictional images, the filmmaker freely adapts the autobiographical novel by philosopher and sociologist Didier Eribon. Mixing sociology and his own personal journey, he calls upon the actress Adèle Haenel to appropriate this founding text, reoriented towards female characters. Crossing archives from several eras and questions of representation, rereading official history to question the present. A social and political history of the working class in the 20th century. Such is the ambition of these “Fragments”.

Screening Tuesday November 9 at 6:30 pm at the Pitoëff Theatre
Moderation and Q&A by Delphine Jeanneret (deputy head of the Cinema Department)