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The new generation, these three young men, don’t care about the history of the genocide their mother lived through. Even in oppressive poverty with an apartment in a dilapidated building, their constant desire is to possess cell phones, video games and motor bikes – that is, to have the latest fancy consumer devices.
- Type
- Grands Ateliers BA
- Runtime
- 10 min
- Year
- 2016
- Country
- SwitzerlandCambodia
- Aspect ratio
- 1.1:77 (16/9)
- Sound
- Stereo
- Shooting format
- Language
- Subtitles
- Production
- HEAD – Geneva
- Noémie Guibal, Adrien Borruat Phally Ngoeum
- Adrien Borruat
- Noémie Guibal, Adrien Borruat Phally Ngoeum
- Noémie Guibal, Adrien Borruat Phally Ngoeum
- Chalon Tout Court
France, - Festival du film francophone
Haiti, - Journées de Soleure
Switzerland, – - Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur
Switzerland, - Upcoming Filmmakers
Switzerland, - Festival International du Film Oriental de Genève
Switzerland, - Semaine des nominés
Switzerland, - leKino.ch
The new generation, these three young men, don’t care about the history of the genocide their mother lived through. Even in oppressive poverty with an apartment in a dilapidated building, their constant desire is to possess cell phones, video games and motor bikes – that is, to have the latest fancy consumer devices.
- Type
- Grands Ateliers BA
- Runtime
- 10 min
- Year
- 2016
- Country
- SwitzerlandCambodia
- Aspect ratio
- 1.1:77 (16/9)
- Sound
- Stereo
- Shooting format
- Language
- Subtitles
- Production
- HEAD – Geneva
- Noémie Guibal, Adrien Borruat Phally Ngoeum
- Adrien Borruat
- Noémie Guibal, Adrien Borruat Phally Ngoeum
- Noémie Guibal, Adrien Borruat Phally Ngoeum
- Chalon Tout Court
France, - Festival du film francophone
Haiti, - Journées de Soleure
Switzerland, – - Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur
Switzerland, - Upcoming Filmmakers
Switzerland, - Festival International du Film Oriental de Genève
Switzerland, - Semaine des nominés
Switzerland, - leKino.ch