A sheep is sacrificed, a gift to God and the Church, to save Jemali from going blind. The butcher is hired, an animal is selected unceremoniously, at a good price. It is quickly blessed, then chopped up to be eaten the same evening. The ritual will have been performed without any apparent qualms, it’s reduced to its most prosaic expression.
Filmmaking workshop held in May 2015 in Kissisxevi, a remote, mainly wine-growing village in Georgia, under the responsibility of Nino Kirtadze, with the assistance of Elene Naveriani and Aline Suter. One month in which to get lost in this village and region and to shoot there films about “le reel”, made of genuine encounters and stories actually experienced.
- Type
- Grands Ateliers BA
- Runtime
- 15 min
- Year
- 2015
- Country
- Switzerland
- Aspect ratio
- 1.1:77 (16/9)
- Sound
- Stereo
- Shooting format
- Language
- Subtitles
- Direction
- Laura Gabay
- Production
- HEAD – Geneva
- Laura Gabay
- Laura Gabay
- Laura Gabay
- Laura Gabay
- Tbilisi International Film Festival
Georgia, –
A sheep is sacrificed, a gift to God and the Church, to save Jemali from going blind. The butcher is hired, an animal is selected unceremoniously, at a good price. It is quickly blessed, then chopped up to be eaten the same evening. The ritual will have been performed without any apparent qualms, it’s reduced to its most prosaic expression.
Filmmaking workshop held in May 2015 in Kissisxevi, a remote, mainly wine-growing village in Georgia, under the responsibility of Nino Kirtadze, with the assistance of Elene Naveriani and Aline Suter. One month in which to get lost in this village and region and to shoot there films about “le reel”, made of genuine encounters and stories actually experienced.
- Type
- Grands Ateliers BA
- Runtime
- 15 min
- Year
- 2015
- Country
- Switzerland
- Aspect ratio
- 1.1:77 (16/9)
- Sound
- Stereo
- Shooting format
- Language
- Subtitles
- Direction
- Laura Gabay
- Production
- HEAD – Geneva
- Laura Gabay
- Laura Gabay
- Laura Gabay
- Laura Gabay
- Tbilisi International Film Festival
Georgia, –